IB Art

Created by the Learning Commons 

Questions? Email LC@nbps.org or visit the Learning Commons

Why Or Why Not Google?

Check out this quick video that summarizes why you can’t just Google it. It is from RMIT University in Australia, but the information is applicable for anyone.

For IB Art, sometimes you need to use Google because you are researching contemporary Artists. People who have online portfolios, websites, and social media accounts. A great example of this is Kara Walker. She is a contemporary artist with a website, an art center she founded, a page in the MOMA site, and many interviews and articles. All of these are legitimate sources that can be used in an academic paper.

How can you tell if something is academic/legitimate?

First, you need to check who created the website you are on. Was it the artist themselves, a museum, a legitimate newspaper or magazine? If it is someones blog, what authority do they have to talk about art? Anyone can post something online and it is your job as a researcher to only use sites that are accurate and factual.

What Resources Are Available from the LC?

Other Great Resources

Metropolitan Museum of Art
Harvard Art Museum
Tate Museum
Google Art and Culture
Library of Congress: Free Databases

MLA Resources

Purdue Owl – Provides all the MLA Basics


In-Text Citation

When writing from Research if the text you are using is not your own words, even if you rewrote it, it still needs to be cited. In-Text Citations allow you cite directly into your writing. Example,

I am using a webpage from the MOMA (Museum on Modern Art). The page is about the Artist, Cindy Sherman. I have quoted something from the page,

“The 70 Film Stills immediately became flashpoints for conversations about feminism, postmodernism, and representation, and they remain her best-known works.”

These are not my words so I need to add an In-Text Citation. According to Purdue, see below, I need to first put whatever comes first on my Works Cited.

This is the full citation,

Museum of Modern Art. “Cindy Sherman.” The Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, 2016, www.moma.org/artists/5392.

So our In-Text Citation would be, (Museum of Modern Art). If this website is used more then once for different web pages, you would instead use the page title, in this case, (Cindy Sherman).

“The 70 Film Stills immediately became flashpoints for conversations about feminism, postmodernism, and representation, and they remain her best-known works.” (Museum of Modern Art)

Works Cited

In the case of IB Art, your Work Cited should be in a separate document, different then a traditional Research Paper. For all rules, check the Purdue Owl Works Cited Page.

A Sample Works Cited Page is shown below.

For more format instructions please speak to Ms. Weiss or visit the LC.